A physical installation presented on the occasion of the launch of Family Gallery's second online exhibition: Le Schnoude by Marine Léauté, . The installation was on display during Art Brussels 2018 in the exhibition Hors Pistes organised by La Montagne at La Vallée. Many thanks to Marion Voegelé for the conception and realisation of the installation.

On the occasion of the launch of Dente, it's first online exhibition, the Family Gallery organized Opus Minor, a physical exhibition gathering the works of Tiphaine Lemou, Marine Léauté, Lucas Seguy and Hugo Dinër at Fragile.

Athénor , Tiphaine Lemou

Athénor , Tiphaine Lemou

Titivilus , Tiphaine Lemou

La Cour des miracles , Tiphaine Lemou

La Cour des miracles , Tiphaine Lemou

Quand automne en saison revient... , Marine Léauté

Quand automne en saison revient... , Marine Léauté

Quand automne en saison revient... , Marine Léauté

Quand automne en saison revient... , Marine Léauté

Life is Life , Hugo Dinër

Paysage avec homme , Lucas Seguy

Le Printemps , Lucas Seguy